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MySQL Client

MySQL(R) is a relational database developed and distributed by MySQL AB. It is distributed under a commercial license or the GPL. It runs as a server which accepts local or remote connections from clients, which can submit SQL requests. The client part is in public domain until version 3.20; newer versions are released under the same dual license as the server, which prohibits its use in applications which are closed-source (or have a closed-source part) but don't justify the commercial license fees.

The purpose of this page is to provide the latest version of the client part which is still in the public domain and to enable the unconstrained development and distribution of innovative applications connecting to MySQL databases.

Disclaimer: neither Yves Piguet nor nyctergatis.com are related to MySQL AB in any way. Files which can be downloaded below are either public domain, written by Yves Piguet, or both.


Download it now! Last update: 28 June 2004. The gzipped tar archive weights 66 KBytes. The code has been compiled and used successfully on unix and Windows computers.


None (public domain).

Release notes

28 June 2004